Michael Weiter’s Story
Mike’s story can potentially inspire communities to do more to offer life shaping experiences for children. Take a minute to read and consider this magnitude of Mike’s story. First of all, when meeting a person for the first time in their home environment can bring more stress into their situation. It is a stressor that the Mended Network wants to minimize with good conversation and a spirit of service for those that need care. So more about Mike. He is a vibrant person, a wonderful storyteller and genuine with a hospitality that welcomed everyone personally that came over to work on his project.
Mike has a profound set of memories from family gatherings, go-karting in the neighborhood streets and the “big aha” is the fact that his father and him found a couple of historical artifacts dating back to the civil war. Mike’s family moved to Haltom City in 1959. So he’s technically a native and graduated from Haltom High School in 1985. He loves being outdoors and on one occasion by his father’s side took to the backyard to do some cleaning up. It’s no average size backyard compared to anything in the city limits. Anyhow, the backyard also banks with a little creek described by Mike once as a stronghold during the civil war. Near the creek his dad found an armory box filled with a soldier’s personal letters written to a spouse back home. Just imagine the discovery and the heart felt messages being mailed between this couple during that time period. This was definitely a favorite story he likes to share.
Mike’s residence is his family inheritance so he is doing his best to maintain it. It’s a 2.5 acre tract and the trees rest magnificently and tenderly as some limbs reach the ground. Mike’s eyes turn to reminiscing about time with his parents while walking around the trees, flower beds and a nestled koi pond from his youth. Believe it or not there is also a Bomb Shelter on the property.
In Mike’s memory there’s a full treasure with experiences made as well at the Haltom City Senior Center prior to suffering a heart attack 3 years ago. He recounts his love for aquariums so when he found one at the Senior Center he took ownership of it. Mike said they had an aquarium but “it was like turning the aquarium there from the Nile River to the Caribbean.” Sometimes it is not a treasure until you put your hands on it is what he leads us to believe.
Bobbie Arthur is the Director at the Senior Center and knows Mike very well. She referred Mike to the Mended Revitalization Program which is partnered with Haltom City. He did not expect much but some help to clean up the yard and remove tree brush. But Mike’s home became a central station bringing together passionate people willing to serve. Tiffany Chandler from the City gave of her time to work and brought lunch. And the Miller family of 3 generations, a grandpa, two sons and one grandson participated. And 3 congregants of Primera Iglesia Bautista Dallas and other emerging leaders like Erric Morris, Anna-Maria Young and her husband Nathan. And a big thank you to Three Millenium Tree Service and Daniel Sanchez who made his equipment and personnel available with a major discount working alongside all the volunteers.
These projects are helping to build a thriving Haltom community because healthy relationships are a first step towards responsibly strengthening community well-being. Do you think this story can have an impact in your community? Reach out and share what you desire for your community.